The study of Catholicism continues in third and fourth grade with the life of Jesus, the Sacraments, and prayer life. Fourth grade Religion features an in-depth study of a saint by each student. Students then portray their chosen saint for the All Saints Day Mass.
Implementation of the Daily 5/CAFE Program structure fosters independent and proficient reading, creative writing, oral fluency, and vocabulary skills. Classroom and school libraries offer a rich reading selection.
In Social Studies, third grade explores topics such as diversity, richness of cultural heritage, government in action, and community relationships, and this exploration continues into fourth grade with the study of Indiana history.
Third grade Math focuses on fostering problem solving skills, along with the introduction and applications of multiplication and division facts.
Fourth grade Math focuses on the importance of using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division throughout the year. Students utilize their critical thinking skills to solve multi-step, real world problems. Math technology in the form of Exact Path and are incorporated into the curriculum.
Third and fourth grade students experience Science through project-based learning and laboratory investigations. At this stage, they begin using science process skills to find answers to a question or an experiment. Students can look forward to activities which help bring content to life. Scholastic News magazine is utilized in weekly Reading and Science class.
Fifth grade religion involves study of the sacraments and parts of the Mass. Students also study the liturgical year, virtues, Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and the Trinity. We will be using the Alive in Christ textbook series.
In Math, fifth graders expand their understanding of place value patterns and relationships. Students solve problems and evaluate expressions using whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers. Students will apply formulas for area and volume, convert units, and classify polygons. Our primary resource is the Envision Series textbook which develops higher level mathematical thinking. The Exact Path Program is an online resource that provides individualized learning paths aligned to Indiana standards. ensures students have the fluency necessary to be successful mathematicians.
Fifth graders learn and apply the science process skills. Students study weight and mass, Earth-Moon-Sun relationships, ecosystems, and the engineering design process. Students engage in hands on STEM activities in classroom experiments and a field trip to STARBASE.
Social Studies education focuses on a National History Day project and research paper. Students also learn about Native Americans, British colonies, and the American Revolution. They finish the year exploring early American government through the Civil War.
Fifth graders learn strategies that improve independent reading abilities through the Daily 5 Program. They build upon previously taught English grammar principles and learn how to advance from paragraph writing to full paper essay writing.